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John's notable Projects before starting Spatzer IT














Custom software -- Naranjo, written in Microsoft Visual Basic/Access

On a volunteer basis, created an interactive Visual Basic program to produce statistical correlation reports for a pharmacy student at The Ohio State University in the area of Naranjo/Adverse Drug Reactions.
















Custom software -- Mr. Meal Ticket, written in C++

Created meal planning software for the kitchen staff and myself while serving as a ManorCare nursing home dietary assistant manager in Miamisburg, Ohio.


Custom sofware -- Diabetic Exchange List, written in C++

Developed a meal planning program using the American Dietetics Association approved exchange list guide while in the 2nd year of Dietetic Technician school.















Custom software -- Zermelo Ranking System, written in Perl

As a hobby, created and refined over the years a menu-driven Perl scripting program that ranks NCAA football teams using the Ernst Zermelo pairwise procedure.   Perl scripts executed on a CentOS (RedHat) Linux operating system and included 'scraping' final scores from 3rd party websites to eliminate tedious data entry.


Custom software -- Pure Points Ratings, written in Object-Oriented Java

Also in the hobby area, developed a 'pure points' object-oriented Java program that utilitzes the popular 'sum of the least squares' statistical procedure to determine relative offensive and defensive strengths for each team, and a common overall home field advantage factor.  Pure Points also executed on a CentOS (RedHat) Linux operating system.




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